I can’t believe we spent the whole weekend watching the Olympics!

By the time we’d got home from climbing, we were all on such a high we totally forgot it was the opening ceremony. Griff’s Aunt and Uncle bought us all fish and chips and let us stay up and watch the entire thing.

It was mental, to be honest I didn’t really get much of it. It was kind of odd. The music bit in the middle was cool but the bit where the athletes came out – wow that was boring and it went on forever! I’d never even heard of half of the countries.

There were some countries that had women competing for the first time – can you believe that? I wonder why they weren’t allowed before. I know in history we learnt about women not being able to vote and stuff, but that was like hundreds of years ago. Weird.

We watched it right till the end cos Griff’s uncle wanted to see who lit the flame, when it turned out to be 7 kids he was shocked. He bet a tenner on it being Roger Bannister and said he was going to the bookies to get his money back!

Then Paul McCartney came on and totally messed up his song, even I noticed and I never notice musical stuff. Dizzee Rascal was cool though.

I had to google who Roger Bannister was, turns out he was the first guy to run a mile in under 4 minutes – wow, I’m pretty sure it takes me at least double that when we do the 1500m at school (and I’m one of the fastest!)

On saturday we started off watching the cycling cos we’d be so excited after Bradley Wiggins won the Tour de France…

…then we switched to swimming and the women’s football. Team GB absolutely smashed their match.

I text our friend Beth, who plays football in the playground to see if she was watching. She text back saying her dad reckoned after this girls might get more chance to play football in schools and stuff. I though about that for ages and then I realised that even though she’s really good, and even though Mark won’t admit that she can curl the ball better than him, she isn’t allowed to play on our school team. Come to think of it, I’d never seen women’s football on telly before either, or women’s basketball, which we watched in the evening.

On the Sunday, we watched the women’s cycling race – which was way more interesting than the mens, cos it was raining and there were loads of crashes. The British girl came second and we were all cheering her on from the living room, it was awesome! Then we watched beach volleyball and GB’s women won their match.

Finally Griff found the mens football after flicking through a million channels and we watched Team GB beat the UAE 3-0.

Anyway, can’t believe that’s the whole weekend gone and now we’re watching some rowing before we go into the city for the day.

I think the Olympics are awesome, but Griff’s Aunt and Uncle keep moaning about money and the NHS and stuff. Apparently it all cost £9 billion – that’s crazy, I can’t even imagine that amount of money – I think a hundred pounds is a lot!

  1. This is a brilliant observation of “The Greatest Show on Earth” – Danny, your chariot is on fire!

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