Posts Tagged ‘sister’

I’ve been thinking, there must be other time travellers out there, kids like me who go back in time. You see the thing is, I can only really go back to places I’ve visited in my present life. I think it’s possible to go to other destinations, but it takes a lot more energy and maybe that means I can’t stay as long, or it costs SHARP too much money? So if they really want to find out about what happened to our world and to learn from our past, they’d have to ask loads of kids to go back in time, maybe from all over the world.

I’ve added lots of different tags that only people who also time travel might recognise. So if you’re reading this and you know about SHARP 15798 then please contact me, I’d love to meet other time travellers – it gets kind of lonely being the only one.

I wish I could tell my sister, but she wouldn’t believe me and then she might tell mum and dad and they wouldn’t let me write my ‘book’ anymore, cos they’ll think I’ve gone crazy or something. My dad doesn’t have a normal job, like a policeman or an accountant – he’s a historian, so I guess he might like the idea of me time travelling. But even if he did believe me, he might think it’s too dangerous and not let me go on any more missions anymore.

My sister’s great – she’s like the opposite of me. My room is always tidy. My stationery is lined up in rows and all of my books are ordered by size (they look better on the shelf that way). My keyboard slides out of the way into my desk and all of my clothes I put away in colour order. Jenny’s room couldn’t be more different, I don’t know how she lives in such constant mess! She’s always daydreaming or doing arty things and to her, anything is more exciting than tidying things away.

My best friends, Mark and Griff, I could tell them… They might believe me, especially if I showed them what my phone does. The things is: what if they want to go travelling with me? SHARP said they selected me because I’d be really good, but those two are quite forgetful – they might lose their phone in a medieval castle, or get distracted and run off and play football or rugby or something instead of finding out about life in the past. No, it’s probably best I don’t tell them.

Maybe I could tell Jenny when she’s a bit older?