Posts Tagged ‘Time Travel’

I can’t believe how long it’s been since I’ve been on here…but there’s a good reason: something really weird is going on. People from bizarre places, all over the world, have been reading my blog – and clicking on certain tags in particular: ‘Dark Chaos’, ‘Time Slip’, ‘Time Travel, ‘Danger’, even ‘Xrosmonaut’, which is a word that hasn’t even been invented yet! (It means professional time traveller, if you’re wondering, ya know, like astronaut but time instead of space.) But Kaz traced it back and it’s all from the same I.P. address that’s being pinged around the globe. Guess where they traced it to? MI6! Argh!

And before that there was that minor incident of me being following around by that Bentley and the little matter of my I.D. card being intercepted by MI6 and Kaz having to freeze time and wipe all the bugs and tracking devices they’d planted in my stuff. This time travel business is starting to get well serious, man!

This is what happened with the I.D. card anyway:

So, needless to say, I was a bit wary about rambling on about time travel on here, especially now I know there’s more of us out there:
Atlanta –
And Alex –
And Sarah too –

I needed to make sure this site was secure before I could carry on. And it took SHARP ages to get it sorted. I know they’re busy but they’ve got years of technology on MI6, should be easy to hide my blog from them, right?

Anyway, it’s all sorted now, we managed to shake them off and I can wang about spies and time travel all I like cos SHARP have set up a special firewall and are monitoring all the activity on here.

Even though I haven’t been writing on here, so much has happened over the summer, it’s mental! First Mum and Dad sprung a surprise holiday to Venice on us. Venice? We normally end up squashed into some smelly caravan, parked up in a field in Wales during the wettest week of the year. It was so cool, we went on one of those long boats, what are they called…Gondolas!

Gondolas in Venice

And went over that famous bridge to get to St. Mark’s square.

Mental amount of people at St. Mark's Square

Mental amount of people at St. Mark’s Square

Dad was so excited that I took an interest in Venice’s history. Apparently it dates back as far as the 7th century, when locals sought refuge on its islands, trying to escape invading barbarians.
“That was quite a long time after the fall of Rome wasn’t it?” I asked Dad, and he nearly choked on his gelato with shock.

Rialto Bridge

Rialto Bridge

So that was cool, and then when I got back, I’d barely got my suitcase through the door and Mark was on the phone talking in that stupid American accent he puts on every time he goes to Florida with his family. It’s so funny, but he gets really defensive if we laugh at him, so it’s kind of a case of waiting for it to fade away naturally. Well anyway, Mark has his cousin stopping with him and he was so desperate for me to meet him, he practically dragged me out of the house and over to his house. More about him later…

So then I finally got to go on another mission (I swear time travel is getting more addictive) and I met this crazy boy who couldn’t control a pushbike to save his life –literally! And he only turned out to be Alan bliming Turing!
He’s the guy that invented the enigma machine – pretty key figure in our scientific advancement, which is a guess why SHARP wanted me to go back and help him. I met him twice; once when he was a boy and then again when he was much older, so surreal, but more about him later, too…

It was really cool to meet Atlanta in Manchester the other day. I’m so glad I got her number, not like when I met Alex and I had to hatch some elaborate plan to go to Scotland to try to meet up with him again. It helped that I met her in a 21st century museum, and not a medieval prison!
If you’re wondering what I’m talking about…

Anyway, me and Atlanta have been texting and emailing loads. She says she’s well jealous of all the adventures I’ve been on (she’s been reading my blog too), but she’s been up to some pretty cool stuff as well!

Apparently, as soon as I fixed her phone, SHARP were able to get back in contact and sent her on an awesome time travelling mission. She went through the usual protocols and found herself plunged into total darkness – and not like the darkness you get now, with a tinge of orange street light covering everything – darkness in the past is so black and inky, you can’t see anything at all. It turns out she’d landed in a dorm-room full of sleeping girls. It wasn’t long before an older woman came in and woke everyone up, and it wasn’t even light outside! She soon discovered she was at a kind of workhouse place, but in the country, where young orphans had to work long hours in a factory. And the kids were sickly and skinny – that’s the weirdest thing you notice when you go back a few hundred years. The kids are so much smaller and younger for their age than they are now – I usually pass for a 16/17-year-old, I mean I was a soldier in World War 1 (briefly) and no one even batted an eyelid! She even met a poor boy who’s hand was missing – and she found out why… she had to work in a factory where kids had to put their hands inside the machines to unravel cotton threads that got tangled – talk about dangerous!

While she was there, she met a girl called Esther. Esther had a plan to run away, and I guess that’s why Atlanta was sent back, to help her. You see, we always end up doing something to help people – to make life better – and I guess that creates positive energy, which is what SHARP is trying to harness and prevent some kind of apocalypse in the future. Atlanta understood Esther’s need to get away, she couldn’t even cope with working one day there – with the noise of the mill, the porridge and the machines that chopped fingers off!

Atlanta could barely keep up with Esther as she followed her over the fields and away from the mil, puffing and smoking in the background. The plan was to find a random barn to sleep in overnight and then try to sneak on a train heading into Manchester from there. It was clear this Esther girl had no clue what she was going to do next, but she didn’t care, she’d got away from the prison of the factory. And then Atlanta’s phone starting buzzing her, giving her the cue to return to the present, but when she pulled it out she got a that awful surprise that makes your stomach lurch…

(this is what your phone looks like when you get a message from the future):

Check out what happens to my phone!

<endrant command>
Boson field stability 36% and falling
Quantum lock disengaged
### system error ###

The screen filled with gibberish and meaningless symbols. Now Atlanta began frantically pressing every button. No response. She could hear the whining sound that came with every trip back in time, but it sounded different. It was always a high C note, but now it was wobbling, up and down like a siren. It grew louder and louder until it filled Atlanta’s head.

Then… Nothing.

Atlanta opened her eyes and her heart sank; this wasn’t her house! They had not got her back home. She was still outside, in the country, but now it was daylight. She was standing by a cobbled lane. A stone signpost poked out from the bottom of a bramble hedge, claiming Derby was forty miles in the direction of the hill. Atlanta was really scared now. She was alone and lost, with no idea where, or when!  Suddenly, she heard whistling coming from up the hill. She quickly tucked the phone back inside her clothes. When she saw Esther’s yellow mop of hair coming towards her, Atlanta had to resist the urge to run over and give her a hug.

“I got some apples from that wagon,” said Esther, as if carrying on a conversation that Atlanta had missed, “And a few crusts of bread.”

Atlanta looked at her friend. If she had been dirty and scruffy back at the mill, she was even worse now. Her dress was streaked with mud, her skin was even paler than before and her eyes had lost some of their cheeky sparkle. It must mean that she had been pulled forwards in time, but for how long? A few hours? A day? Or more?

They kept walking for a while and then the sound came again. Atlanta cautiously opened her eyes a second time. Darkness. Complete and total darkness. She swayed unsteadily; the repeated trips through time were leaving her dizzy. For a moment, she feared that she had been pulled out of time and space and left in some empty void, but she refused to panic.

She soon detected the smell of porridge and realized it was worse than ever; she was back at the factory! When her phone went again, she didn’t even bother keeping it secret. She pulled it right out in front of her fellow factory workers; she could already hear the distant high-pitched ringing in her ears as she read yet another error message:

<remote system reboot>
Code operative 15799 located
Emergency retrieval plan initiated

Attempting subspace contact>>


Atlanta’s heart soared. She didn’t understand the technical words but the intention was clear: Mela had found her and was going to get her home.

The screen cleared and another message appeared.


We had to scan each time quadrant to pin you down.

First of all – don’t panic! I’m coming to get you. We need to pull you to new coordinates where we can extract you. Enter your code to confirm you are OK and we’ll get you out.


Atlanta quickly keyed in her code and pressed the green button. Almost immediately the phone buzzed three times, one after another, and the high-pitched whining sound rushed in around her. Atlanta curled into a ball, closed her eyes, and hoped that nothing would go wrong this time.

The noise built to fever pitch and then, once again… Nothing.

But she wasn’t home yet; she’d been pulled forward in time – to 1863!

“…I’m a time traveller, too,” I said, so matter of fact – like I was talking about my favourite ice cream or something. I was trying to keep it cool, when inside I was so excited and nervous to have found another person like me.
“Oh, right. Of Course,” she said, like people came up to her an introduced themselves as time travellers everyday.
I frowned a little, trying to hide my disappointment at her coolness.
“SHARP told me you’d be coming,” she whispered, offering an explanation for her casualness.

I stuck out my hand, not really sure how to greet her – should I go in for the hug, or would that be too much?
“Pretty weird, huh?” I said.
“Yeah,” she shrugged.
I looked around at all the displays – the old coins and artefacts from Manchester’s industrial past and that.

“It’s a shame,” I said thinking out loud, kind of to break the silence between us, “all this stuff is behind glass – makes them look stuffy and boring. You forget that these were just normal things for normal people. I wonder who was the last person to spend them, before they ended up buried, waiting to be dug up and put on display?”
“I was just thinking that,” said Atlanta. And then she laughed, like she’d had a crazy thought.
“Do you think we’ll get to meet them? The people who had these coins?”
I’d never thought about that – but it would be awesome.

Soon the awkwardness of meeting a new person was totally over and we had loads to talk about. Atlanta told me all about her time travel missions she’d done with SHARP.
The first one – she’d travelled back to 1631 and helped Sir Humphrey Cheetham (whoever that is) escape from the King’s soldiers down a secret passage in a well. Then she told me about her second journey, it was a night in 1940 when German planes had bombed Manchester Cathedral. She told me how scared she had felt, but also how exhilarated.

“It feels good,” she said. “No, better than that, it feels great to actually talk to someone about my adventures, someone who won’t think I’m crazy.”
I knew how that felt.

She was younger than me and had travelled less. There was no way we had time for me to tell her about all the different places I’d been and about SHARP and STRAP and the weird stuff that’s been going on. So we exchanged numbers so we could call and text. And then I remembered… that’s why I was meeting her in the first place: SHARP wanted me to do something to her phone.

But then I got a message from SHARP, for Atlanta. Which was odd, I mean why can’t they just contact her themselves. And then I read further – SHARP were having technical issues and can’t contact Atlanta. Great, so I’m a glorified messenger boy!

“I’ve been sent by SHARP to talk to you about your next journey. The reason you’ve not heard anything from Mela is because they’re having problems. There’s another time travel outfit called STRAP, and it seems like they’re deliberately mucking up SHARP’s systems, hacking into stuff, taking over time streams. STRAP’s already sent a boy called Alex back to a rebellion in Edinburgh Castle, in 1314, and it sounds like they didn’t care if he came back alive or not.”

“That’s horrible!” said Atlanta. “Was he OK?”
“Yeah, he got back all right in the end, but it sounds like SHARP is really rattled. How much do you know about them?” I asked.
“Not much,” admitted Atlanta. “Only what Mela has told me. They’re trying to reclaim art and history from the past because of something horrible that happens in the future, wiping all the records.”
“Yeah, the Dark Chaos,” I prompted her. “No idea what that is, or more importantly when in the future that happens, but it sounds pretty bad. Sometimes, I get pretty horrid thoughts that it might be just a few years away and that we will be living through it.
“Oh my God, I’d not thought of it like that!”
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have got on to that subject, but it is one of the reasons I do all this stuff. But to get back to what I need to tell you. My contact, Kaz, was able to get through to me because my phone was the first one they altered. It had been exposed to the time stream longer and built up a stronger connection, so STRAP’s interference had less of an effect. At least, that’s what they told me.”


I rummaged around in my pocket for the coding sequence they’d given me. I had to alter Atlanta’s phone, so she could get back in touch with her contact – that girl called Mela (I wonder if Kaz knows her?)
“They’ve given me a code that will make your phone work again by, er,  re-routing, something called the quantum tunnel effect using a…Heisenberg bridge, I think, to stabilise the neutrino flow… I try to listen to what they tell me but to be honest I don’t really understand any of it. In a way, I wish I did but the science is probably beyond even people who are studying this stuff in our universities.”

She nodded and handed over her phone. It was much older than mine, no touch screen or built-in iPod. I figured I should just start typing, so I copied down the code and, after a few seconds, the phone chirruped a few odd sounds. Atlanta took the phone back  and the futuristic screen that SHARP had installed expanded and hovered in her hand. Almost immediately, a message from Mela came through. Atlanta grinned and couldn’t help but start to read it. I looked around to check no one was watching…
“Probably best to find somewhere more private before doing that again!”


Looking at her phone, I suddenly realized the time – we’d been talking for ages! And now I needed to get back to the train station.
“Thanks Danny,” she said, as I was rushing away.


I told her about my blog and to google me or something to find it, plus she had my number. How cool is this – now I’ve got two time travelling friends!








You’re probably just going to think I’m being paranoid or whatever, but I’m starting to get the weird feeling that I’m being watched. Call it a 6th sense or something. You know how when you’re in class and someone will be staring at the back of your head and it’ll make you turn round – you don’t know why you feel the need to turn round, but I bet every time that happens someone will either be looking at you, or they’ll look away as soon as you turn round.


It’s not just that though, I’ve started to notice some odd things and now I’ve sat down to write about it, more and more stuff is coming to mind…


1 – There’s these two blokes who’ve started driving round our estate, not weird on its own – but they’re driving a white Bentley (!) and they both wear black suits with white shirts, black tie and sunglasses. They never go in anyone’s house – I know, cos I’ve been watching them and they’re always near, but never outside, of our house. My mum reckons they’re gangsters, but dad says they look more like MI6. Why would the government be hanging round our little estate?



2 – We have a new teacher. Totally out of the blue our old class teacher, Mrs Cross disappeared and we’ve got a new teacher – Miss White. She’s really nice, but always wants to see my homework and asks me what I do with my free time and stuff. Maybe she’s a spy, too – or have I completely lost the plot??


3 – Weird things keep happening with my phone – like when I send a text message, sometime sit makes the swoopy ‘sent’ sound twice, but only shows that I sent it once. And if I talk on the phone, which isn’t very often, sometimes I hear these random beeps or clicks – but the person on the other end never can.


4 – This blog! Every time I go on the blog or write new posts it does weird things. Like the other day I was writing something and the page just refreshed on its own and I lost everything I’d written – so annoying!


But why would anyone be following me? Well apart from the fact I’m a time traveller for an organization in the future and time travel hasn’t been invented in our time.


Maybe I’m just being paranoid, what do you think?

OMG! I can’t believe it’s 2013 already, what a mental year 2012 was! I’ve just been looking back and all the stuff I’ve done and thinking about New Year’s resolutions for 2013.

I’ve been so lucky this last year – I got to go to the Olympics and on a sort-of holiday to Edinburgh, not to mention all the crazy time travel missions I’ve been on.

My first mission nearly turned into a massive disaster – I ended up in some weird competition with a nasty little boy called Edward. But I let my competitiveness get the better of me and not only did I nearly make him drown himself in a lake, but I didn’t answer my phone in time and got stuck in 1588!

When I eventually returned, Kaz had some really bad news: SHARP were having real trouble in the future with a rogue organization called STRAP and I finally found out why they needed time travellers and what the point of all these missions were, but not before SHARP hauled me back to the dark ages in the middle of a frost and I got hypothermia!

I wrote all about it in February:

My little brush with hypothermia turned out to work in my favour and I was visited by some really important people from the future – they told me all about the real purpose of SHARP about a mysterious thing that had happened called the Dark Chaos

And then, can you believe it, STRAP (the bad guys) tried to contact me and recruit me as a time traveller. I was really confused, but Kaz helped reassure me that I was on the good guys’ team and confided in me that STRAP was trying to recruit other kids to travel back in time to really dangerous places.

That was when I first heard about Alex…

Alex was a time traveller who was working for STRAP, but I needed to find him and warn him about how much danger he was really in, I mean, STRAP had already sent him on one dangerous mission where he ended up climbing up a cliff face without any safety ropes!

But I was too late and by the time I’d got anywhere close to locating him, STRAP had sent him on a disastrous mission; STRAP’s communication lines had gone down and he was stuck in a medieval Scottish prison!

So SHARP sent me to save him…

But even though I’d rescued him, we hardly had any time to talk. I was so busy trying to save him that I didn’t get chance to chat or even get his number. So then I had to start all over again trying to find him. At last, I’d found somebody else who time travels!

It turned out Alex lived in Edinburgh, so after a few failed attempts, I somehow managed to get Mark and Griff to agree to come to Edinburgh with me and it was really lucky, cos Griff’s aunt lived there, so we had a sort-of reason to go.

And then, literally on the way to Edinburgh, I got an awesome mission from SHARP and I went back in time to Scotland during the Great Cause. Which was when one of Scotland’s kings died (Alexander somebody I think) there was no one to succeed him. So the bishops (who were dead powerful at that time for some weird reason) asked King Edward I of England to help them choose – which was always going to be a bad idea! Edward had to chose between John Balliol and Robert de Brus (Robert the Bruce’s grandfather). He chose Balliol and de Brus’ supporters lost all their land and stuff. But then Edward wanted Balliol to fight against the French, but instead, Balliol sided with the French and Edward got really mad and invaded Scotland. He was heading to Berwick-on-Tweed and was going to kill everyone there. So I went back to warn them all…

We had to go to a climbing wall place to find Alex, cos he’s well into climbing – which was awesome. We met Alex and he was really cool and SHARP even sent us on a mission together:

And then it was the Olympics – having the Olympics in Britain was so cool! We watched loads of it in Edinburgh, and when we got home. I was gutted I couldn’t see all of the Paralympics cos I had to go back to school for the last bits of it. But we did manage to get tickets to see BMX racing – I ended up writing loads of stuff about the Olympics:

That summer was the best ever! But then things started getting weird again: There was another STRAP time traveller, Sarah. STRAP had found someone way too young to time travel, cos it messes up your bone growth if you’re under 12 or 13 or something, and they’d put her in loads of danger too.

So I went on another mission to find another time traveller who was in danger! This all happened around November time:

December was much quieter, I was learning some awesome stuff at school and thinking about entering a competition for next year:

Plus SHARP were starting to use my blog as a way to contact other time travellers – there’s loads of people reading my blog, all over the word – I’ve had about 2,500 hits in total – I wonder If any of those readers are time travellers too?

Then to top the year off, SHARP gave me an awesome Christmas present, I went back to the first ever football match, which was on boxing day in 1860. It was a bit weird really, but still dead interesting.

What’s crazy though is I get loads of hits on the one they sent me on last year, the Christmas Truce match in 1914 during World War I.  That was unbelievable!

So all that happened in just one year!

I wonder what 2013 will bring. Oh, and my New Year’s resolution? To find more time travellers and go on loads of awesome missions – bring it on!!!!

I woke up super early on Boxing Day, still full of turkey and Yule log from yesterday – I can’t believe how much food Mum had made! She got up even earlier than us to put the turkey in the oven, watching Jamie Oliver on YouTube as she prepared it.

On Boxing Day, I was up early checking my phone from around 6AM, willing SHARP to send my mission.

Finally, at 8.50 AM it arrived, that familiar buzzing that got stronger and stronger until you opened the screen. I sat with my back against my bedroom door, so no one could walk in and ask me to explain why my phone was projecting a bright blue screen that filled the room.


<Details of current travel option>
<December 26, 1860>
<Sandygate, Sheffield, England>

sandygate football ground hallam fc

This must be where the first football match was. I started to wish I’d done a bit more research but I was having too much fun on Christmas day and Jenny would be far too suspicious if I started looking up history things on Christmas day.

<None. Just have fun. But remember to wear the time travel disc on your forehead so that we can capture data.>

<Cold, ground frozen and <cold, ground=”” frozen=”” and=”” <span=”” class=”hiddenGrammarError” pre=”and “>a chance of rain.>


I didn’t even hesitate for a second – I picked up the time travel bag and pressed the green button. The familiar whirring sound rang in my ear, getting louder and louder until … nothing.


The next thing I knew I was sat on cold, hard mud surrounded by bushes. I couldn’t see a thing apart from the leaves and tangle of tiny branches all around me. But I could hear something…well a lot of things: The sound of heavy footsteps coming right behind where I was sitting, the sound of men laughing and coughing.


‘This had best be worth it,” I heard one man mutter.
“Too right, was hard enough getting away from all this Christmas bother.”
“Football matches – it’ll ne’er catch on.” Another, younger man’s voice chimed in.


A blur of Yorkshire accents and heavy-booted feet scuffing by made it impossible to make out much of what anyone else was saying. But I couldn’t spend the whole time sat in a bush, SHARP would never let me live it down.


I felt around for a way out of the bramble and immediately felt something soft to my left. It was the clothes SHARP had left for me. I though back to some of the crazy costumes I’ve put on this year – never again will I complain about wearing fancy dress!


But these clothes weren’t too bad at all, yeah they were woolen, itchy and slightly damp – but not smelly, like the sweaty pirate clothes, or heavy like the chain mail from medieval Scotland. The trousers were grey and fastened at the waist with mismatching buttons, there were two belt loops and there was a tatty length of string pulled through the loops hold them up. For the top half I had a grubby white shirt, a waistcoat that matched the trousers and then a kind of blazer that was too big and more of a greeny colour than the grey of the trousers. I didn’t get any socks, but there were some leather, industrial-looking boots – like the kind that are back in fashion now. Jenny keeps moaning for mum to get her a pair from River Island – she’d be well jealous if she knew I was wearing a pair of originals from 1860.


I clambered out from the bushes and a strong arm lifted me to my feet. He had a large moustache, a blue cap with a shiny badge and a some kind of wooden contraption, like a those wooden rattles that they banned from modern-day football games


victorian policeman rattle
“We don’t want to trouble from the likes of you, now run along young man,” he said and pushed me in the same direction that everyone else was walking.


I ran a little way, as I figured that was what he wanted me to do and slowed down when I reached a group of boys. Everyone seemed to be walking to the same place, but I couldn’t see a football stadium or anything.


Instead there was a large field with men all stood around the edge of the pitch. There weren’t any white lines of anything like that and the goals were just three pieces of wood nailed together and dug into the ground, in fact one of them was leaning forward at quiet an angle.


The players were already on the pitch, waiting to start. In the centre of the field was a full on brass band. A drum roll echoed around the ground and everyone around me cleared their throats. The band started playing ‘God Save the Queen’ and everyone around sung along as loud as they could. It was so loud, just like at the Olympics whenever someone British won.


The players didn’t look like players today; they were wearing trousers, blazers and caps. The only way to tell them apart was that one team had red caps and the other team had blue caps.

sheffield FC first ever football club 1857

The Sheffield FC team

One man had a huge, brown football under his arm. He threw it into the air and kicked it. The thud from his boot made me realize that the ball was probably very heavy and when it landed, it didn’t bounce, just kind of bobbled along the wet ground. I hoped no one would try to head the ball, they might break their necks!

hallam FC first ever football match 1860 boxing day

The Hallam FC team

A horn rang out and the game began, players were everywhere and were actively pushing each other around. But something seemed odd, there were loads of players on the pitch, each side must have had about 20 players, it was crazy. And then the weirdest thing happened…


…A player drew back kicked the ball high into the air and then a bit further down the pitch a man ran to stand underneath the ball and instead on controlling it on his chest, he held out his hands and caught the ball.


“Handball!” I shouted, I couldn’t stop myself.
“Don’t worry, lad,” a man next to me put his hand on my shoulder – you’ll get used to the rules.


The player dropped the ball, kicked it and it was then intercepted by another player who batted it away with his hand and then ran after it towards the goal. A lot of pushing and shoving followed, men fell down, others tripped over them and somehow, with a combination of kicking and hitting the ball with their hands, the ball found it’s way through the posts.


The Original football rulebook - explains a lot!

The Original football rulebook – explains a lot!


The crowd clapped politely and the players returned the their positions.


I couldn’t believe what I was seeing!


The game went on and one, for what seemed like hours. I couldn’t feel my hands or my feet, but no one around me seemed too bothered about the cold. In fact, it was getting so late that the light was starting to fade.


After two goals at one end, the game was reset again. The player in the middle picked up the ball and kicked it high into the air. Players ran everywhere and I noticed two men with red caps ran straight to their opponent’s goal. It’s what Mark likes to do – it’s called goal hanging and it’s totally illegal.


They stood there for ages waiting for the ball to make its way up the pitch. Finally one man booted it as hard as he could. The red-capped player palmed it to the floor and kicked it straight through the posts. Everyone around me cheered and clapped, which drowned out me shouting , “Offside!”
I must be stood with the red cap supporters, I thought.


“Ha’way, lad – it’s not rugby,” said another tall man to my right hand side.


The game went on and on until we could barely see the players anymore. Then a horn sounded and the match was over. The brass band traipsed back on to the pitch for a rather less rousing rendition of ‘God Save the Queen’. And it suddenly occurred to me that I wasn’t singing for Queen Elizabeth II, it must be Queen Victoria – blows my mind!


The crowds dispersed, the two men either side of me started muttering to each other about the cold.
“I hope this Boxing Day football thing doesn’t catch on,” one of them said.
“Aye, what say you young man?” he asked putting his hand on my shoulder.
“Football is brilliant,” I said, “it’ll be the biggest sport in England.”


He laughed at me, ruffled my hair and then pushed me forward like the policeman had done earlier. I took it as my cue to ‘run along’ and as my numb feet struck the frozen ground I felt a familiar buzzing in my pocket…


>> Incoming message from….

>Agent #3746 Kazaresh

>Hi Danny

>Happy Christmas from everyone at SHARP!

>We apologise for contacting you, once again, via your online blog. We are experiencing technical difficulties with our communications systems and are concerned that messages sent to your primitive mobile device may be intercepted by STRAP.

>Everyone here at SHARP has been extremely impressed with your time travel work this year and we would like to offer you the chance to go on a time travel adventure similar to your journey back to 1914 last year, where you saw the Christmas truce football game in no man’s land.


Christmas Truce 1914 – I was there!


>We know how much you love football and have found a journey that may be of interest – SHARPs Christmas present to you is a ticket to the first ever club football match played in the UK. The match first took place on Boxing Day, in 1860.

  • We will be in touch on Boxing Day 2012 with more details….

People probably think I’m a massive geek, but I’m really excited cos we’ve been given this project to over the holidays. In history, we’ve been learning all about the Victorians and the industrial revolution.

It’s crazy how much happened during the 1800s, I mean I know people say how far technology has come in the last ten years or whatever, but this is on another level!

Loads of inventions that we take for granted today were invented in this time period, like bikes and trains. Our teacher says that steam trains are what everyone thinks of when they think of the industrial revolution and that’s what we’ve got to do our project on – steam trains.


And the best one wins a prize!

Sounds boring right? But steam trains are actually really interesting. Everything during the 1800s was powered by fire, cos they didn’t have electricity or gas or anything. Steam trains needed loads of coal that was burnt in a special carriage at the front of the train. The fire heated up water and created steam. The water tank was built in such a way that it funneled the steam into valves in the engine. Once enough pressure had built up from all the steam, it forced open the valve, which was connected to the wheels and pushed the wheels around.

how a steam engine locomotive works for kids

So that’s how they worked, and why they made that ‘chuff chuff’ sound.

Steam power wasn’t just used for trains though; we used it for everything, including machines for factories.

So anyway, we have to do a project all about steam engines and who invented them, what they were used for, etc.

I’ve already found out loads of interesting stuff, like can you believe that the London underground used to have steam engines in it? After steam trains had been invented, they were originally just used for carrying coal and cargo. But then, people realized they could be used for travel and to get places quicker.

All of a sudden London became really busy with people getting the train into the city from outside of town. The problem was, once they’d arrived at Euston or Kings Cross or wherever, then they just piled out onto the streets and the streets got too crowded and no traffic – which was horse and cart back then – could get through.

Sounds a bit like today really!

So they had an idea to build train lines under the city. Can you belive that – steam trains travelling underground – where did all the smoke go? It must’ve been really hot and messy!

But I’ve had this really great idea that might help win the prize. I’m going to travel on the country’s first passenger railway line – Liverpool to Manchester.

I’ve looked online and I can get a train from Nottingham to Manchester and then ride the rail to Liverpool and back. How awesome would that be?

I could take loads of pictures and see if there’s any historical plaques and stuff, like there was in Berwick.

Travelling on a train is gonna be so easy compared to travelling back in time and finding my way around in medieval times, but I can’t really use that argument to convince my parents!

<<An urgent message from SHARP to all 21st century Xrosmonauts>>


>We hope you are reading this and understand the importance of this broadcast.


>As you know, many of you are travelling back in time to help SHARP in its ongoing quest to prevent the Dark Chaos and eradicate evil forces from perpetuating negative feeling throughout the universe.


>Many of you may have worked for STRAP in the past or maybe aware of their activities. We have detected a lot of STRAP activity and have reason to believe they might be recruiting younger and more vulnerable travelers, who may not have the correct physiology and personality for these kinds of missions.


>Whilst we have a dedicated team monitoring rogue activity at all times, we still need to focus on SHARP’s initial aims and objectives.


>SHARP is expanding and although going back in time is not difficult for us, the problem we face is getting you into a different space in time. Sending agents to places that they have no physical grounding, i.e. somewhere they haven’t been before, takes a lot of energy and time and this is why we need your help.


>We need time travellers who have ‘grounding’ in different areas around the world and we are particularly interested in North America, Australia and New Zealand.


>SHARP is expanding and we need your help. Have you been to other areas of the world, or have very close family in parts of America?


>If you think you can help, make contact with your SHARP representative today.


>We urge you to be vigilant of STRAP activity and be aware that they will attempt to use underhand tactics plus the lure of addictive time travel options to recruit you. We would like to remind you of the dangers that being involved with STRAP bring. You safety is of utmost importance and we are always here to help.




I just logged on the find that SHARP have somehow hijacked my blog and messaged me. It’s odd because they usually use my phone as contact, I mean, anyone online could read that. Maybe that was their point?

This STRAP organization keeps cropping up everywhere, they must be causing SHARP real problems, and if you don’t know what I’m on about…here’s the down-low on all this STRAP vs SHARP business that’s happening in the future:

In the future world, there is an epic battle going on between the forces of good and evil. Countries don’t exist any more and people live in a world with no boundaries, with equality and without poverty. Sounds great, right? But the thing is, there are forces who want to bring about total destruction and gain ultimate power – like an evil force I guess. A bit like Lex Luthor in Superman or Sylar in Heroes.

bad guy from heroes

or Voldemort in Harry Potter

good vs evil harry potter vs lord voldemort

You get the idea, right?

Well it turns out that throughout the entire history of the earth, everything recorded by the human mind – you know, feelings, emotions, memories  – they leave a trace. Our 21st century technology hasn’t discovered this yet, but apparently when wifi and stuff reaches new levels in a couple of hundred years, we will discover it. So these traces are like bits of invisible code floating around.

When I go back in time, SHARP gives me this disc that I stick to my forehead – sounds weird, but it blends in with my skin so no one notices it. The disc allows SHARP to watch what’s going on while I’m time travelling. But it has a second function: it allows them to see the traces left behind.

But STRAP can do this too and they want to use the traces left behind by cruel actions for ‘dreadful purposes’. I guess that’s why they keep sending kids back to dangerous and cruel times, so they can bottle all that fear and anger.

So, back to the purpose of SHARP – their aim is to, like, combat and overcome the destructive force generated by the evil beings – not just for their time, but for our time too.

The thing is, all of these cruel traces give power to evil forces, not just in the future but right now. It’s like bad vibes create more bad vibes and create more cruel actions. If SHARP can’t stop it somehow and use the good traces to combat it then more wars will happen, more crime, more negativity and it goes on and on.

And I guess that’s what led to what they call the ‘Dark Chaos’.

If we don’t stop treating each other so badly, we’ll just keep generating more and more negativity and the evil forces will win. They’re trying to save their future by altering our present. SHARP need to stop STRAP going back in time and trying to harvest all the cruel and awful traces left behind by horrible humans of the past.

SHARP said they’d be in touch soon with a message for all time travellers. So any time travellers out there – watch this space for vital information…