I Travelled Nearly 400 Years Back In Time!

Posted: December 10, 2011 in Time Travel
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Kaz contacted me again. I took a photo of the weird thing my phone does when he gets in touch to prove it’s really real.

How cool is that?

He said my first mission went really well and they got loads of important data. I’ll be able to go on another mission soon, but let me tell you all about travelling back to 1615 first.

I got sent loads of instructions, which was hard to remember at first, but now it seems completely normal. SHARP, this company from the future, reprogrammed my phone and added some new buttons to it. It means it does this cool projection thing, but more importantly when I key in the numbers ‘15798’ and press the special green button I can go back in time.

Cool, huh?

They also gave me a time travel bag, which kind of sticks to my body without hurting, so no one can see it under my clothes. Inside the bag is this recording device, I stick it to my forehead and it relays information back to the people in the future, but is invisible to everyone I meet.

Confusing, right? I thought I’d never get my head round it, but I picked it up fairly quickly.

After I pressed the green button I heard this faint, high-pitched whine that started way off in the distance and then came nearer and nearer, until…nothing. And then the next thing I know I’m sitting in this small area of grass that’s thicker and longer than all the rest of the grass growing around. I know right then I’ve gone back in time, but for some reason I recognise the field, the pathway and the building in the distance.

It turns out you can only travel back in time to places you’ve already visited, it’s like a grounding thing – something to do with the cosmos and connected atoms – stuff I have no hope of understanding (especially at my age), but Kaz talks about it like it’s dead simple. The place I went back to was called Bramall Hall, a place my dad had dragged us all to after visiting a museum only last week. I knew it was the same place when I spotted a strange carving underneath one of the windows – it was a fat angel holding a shield and standing on the head of a man with branches of a tree coming out of his mouth. I thought it was really creepy at first, but my dad (who’s a history professor and knows loads about old buildings in England) said it was a Green Man, a medieval character who was supposed to signal the start of spring. I took a picture of it with my phone when no one was looking, can you believe an actual picture from 1615!

I think the time difference must have done something strange to the photo, cos it’s come out all red and distorted. Next time I go back I’ll try to take photos of more things, but I was worried that if the battery died I might not be able to get back and I’d be stuck in the past!

When I was there in 1615 I had to wear really itchy and weird clothes and strangely shaped shoes. I met lots of friendly people at the house, who all thought I was a servant called Edmond. I did so many things when I went back, I rescued a dog for the Mistress of the House, met lots of friendly people and even discovered a secret, hidden room when a cheeky girl pushed me in it – it was completely black in there – I couldn’t see a thing. I wish I could tell my dad about it, but I couldn’t tell him how I know and even if I did tell him, he wouldn’t believe me. I searched the Bramall Hall website (http://www.bramallhall.org.uk/home.asp) and couldn’t find anything about this secret room, I bet I’m the only person that knows about today!

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